• 2022安洵杯 CTF PWN wp

    2022安洵杯 CTF PWN wp##前言:上午在打别的比赛,题不难,下午三点才上的号,导致我们差一名进决赛,太可惜了(都怪我 呜呜呜,下次认真。 ##babyarm:思路:栈溢出,异构PWN,arm,retlibc2,一次retlibc泄露go...
  • 非常规PWN

    非常规PWN&Web pwn(一)前言:最近在学非常规pwn,然后想到了之前的php pwn,然后就觉得很有意思,原来PHP也可以被pwn(也许我是土🐕,之前一直想复现学习,一直拖到现在,其实web(php) pwn在前两年国际比赛中考察的...
  • 2022 Strong Network Mimic CTF PWN writeup

    2022 Strong Network Mimic CTF PWN writeupForeword: It was too difficult. I didn’t sign up for the competition. My teammates s...
  • house_of_botcake

    PWN house_of_botcakehouse_of_botcakeIn the DASCTF October competition, there was an inspection of house_of_botcake. I thought...
  • PWN IOfile simple record

    PWN IOfile simple record (1)PWN IO getc discussion When getc will make _IO_buf_base empty, go to _IO_doallocbuf when it is em...